Cub Scout Pack 21

Pack 21 Committee

The Pack Committee is an all-volunteer group responsible for planning pack-level events and activities, such as monthly pack meetings, camp-outs, community service, fund-raising activities, and the Pinewood Derby. The Pack 21 committee meets on a monthly basis.

2011 - 2012 Pack 21 Committee Members

Committee Chairman ~  John Davis,

CubMaster ~  Art Hennessey,

Treasurer ~  Jen Barlow,

Awards Chairman ~   Gary Gumuchian,

Popcorn Fundraising Coordinator ~   Fran Richard,

Den leaders are also part of the committee and attend the committee meetings.

You can always send email to:

Descriptions of Committee Member Duties

Committee Chairman ~ The Committee Chairperson conducts monthly Pack leaders' meeting, leads Pack program planning, works with the Cubmaster to ensure leaders are recruited and adequately trained, that the Pack complies with BSA policies, and that the program is successful.

CubMaster ~ The Cubmaster is responsible for planning and implementing the program elements of pack events (i.e. the fun stuff that the boys do). This includes the monthly pack meetings and special activities. It is helpful to have an Assistant Cubmaster. The CubMaster serves as master of ceremonies at Pack events and attends the monthly Pack Committee meetings.

Treasurer ~ The Treasurer manages the checking account of the pack and provides regular financial reports to the committee.

Popcorn Fundraising Coordinator ~ The Fundraising Coordinator is responsible for the major fundraising effort of the Pack. Duties include: attend kickoff meeting in August/September, distribute sales materials to Scouts, explain rules, acquire prizes & incentives, collect orders from scouts and turn in orders to District Office,pickup popcorn and distribute to scouts, collect money from scouts and turn in to Pack treasurer, and award Prizes at the Pack meeting.