Cub Scout packs are divided into smaller groups called dens. Dens consists of about five to eight boys, by rank (generally in the same grade):
- Tigers - First Grade (or age 7)
- Wolves - Second Grade (or age 8)
- Bears - Third Grade (or age 9)
- Webelos I - Fourth Grade (or age 10)
- Webelos II - Fifth Grade
Boys can start cub scouts at any level. They do not have to begin as Tigers.
In Pack 21, dens generally meet twice a month ("den meetings"). They might schedule additional activities during the month, such as a hike or visit to a local site. Boys progress as a group to the next level of den as they earn their badges for each Cub rank. Cub scouts complete much of the work towards earning their badges during den meetings.
Aside from Tiger Cubs, Dens are run by a adult volunteer den leader, usually a parent of one of the boys in the den.
For Tiger dens, the tiger cub scout parents take turns hosting and running the den meetings. In place of a den leader, the Pack assigns an experienced cub scout volunteer to act as liason to guide the Tiger cub parents in running their meetings and planning den activities and outings.
When a boy reaches sixth grade, or age 11, he can join the boy scouts - both Boy Scout Troop 1 and Boy Scout Troop 20 serve Littleton.
For more information about joining our Pack, contact Committee Chair John Davis at